Dawn Montgomery

Another V-Day down!

In Goals on February 19, 2012 at 7:02 pm

Two out of Four ain’t so bad…

This week was a tester week for me. I had four solid goals…rewrites for A Familiar Kiss, complete No Dragon, No Problem, Chapter Two for Enraptured, and Chapter One for Feral Hunger.

So how did I do?

  • I made it to page 45 of 111 on A Familiar Kiss. Not bad. Didn’t make my V-Day goal, but this one is being quite the bugbear.
  • No Dragon, No Problem completed. YES! I had a little mini dance. Edits for this puppy will start on Monday.
  • Enraptured and I are working through our problems today. 😀 Chapter two is an all action sequence, so I’ll be able to complete the chapter!
  • Chapter one for Feral Hunger completed. YES!
So what craziness conspired this week? LOL! V-Day week seems to consistently be self-doubt week of the year (four years running). I thought I’d made a huge mistake doing this full-time (I’m not wishy-washy, I promise! Just worried about family finances). So hubby goes out and gets a job just like *snap* that. First time in the history of ever for either one of us. Wow, right? So I could focus again, and then Kim Knox did this AMAZING post this week that just snapped me out of the fugue.

You guys suffered through a crazy Q n A for the Platform Campaign. Turns out I’m a happy hooker (crochet joke) with a sword cane obsession, and am the great great granddaughter of a notorious moonshiner who changed his name to protect his family. Oh…and La Freak by Chic was the most popular song the day I was born. Subtle. Very subtle (so much better than Rod Stewart’s Do Ya Think I’m Sexy which would have been on my due date).

I poked fun at writer superstition that makes us afraid to say when our writing days are good days.

So what am I looking forward to this week?
I like having four objectives a week. It’s another test week so I can make sure I’m doing what needs to be done. If I can’t meet four goals this week…well, I may have been a bit more ambitious than I want to admit. 😉
So specific writing goals:
  • Continue hacking away at A Familiar Kiss. Once I’m done with that, it’s set it up for submission, send it off, and begin edits on No Dragon, No Problem.
  • Finish Beauty’s Beast (formerly Thief)
  • Complete Enraptured Chapter Three
  • Complete Feral Hunger Chapter Two
That’s a little over 23k this week to accomplish. We’ll see how I do.
Monday is a holiday here in the states, so I’ll get done what I can. Tuesday the kids go back to school. Wednesday is the final load of furniture from Alaska (YAY!), and I have to meet with someone. Thursday and Friday are base stuff. Next Monday is my official last day in the service. 🙂 I’m not sure if we’re actually going to do anything, but I know I’ll be happy. 🙂

Goals for the week:

A Familiar Kiss Rewrites (Pages, not words)
Beauty’s Beast
Enraptured Chapter Two and Three
Feral Hunger/Primal Intent Chapter One and Two

Until we chat again, keep writing!


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  1. Nice blog! Very nice! I’m in your group for Rachael’s 4th campaign! Glad to meet you! ~Theresa Sneed, author of No Angel and its forthcoming prequel, From Heaven to Earth

    • Thank you so much for stopping by Theresa! Congrats on your release and upcoming one. It’s wonderful to have you here, and I’m so glad to meet you too!

      Keep Writing, hon!

  2. Wow. So glad I stopped by. You’ve inspired me. Congrats on hubby’s job and all you are getting done. I just wish I had read your post before 10:52pm on Tuesday so my Wednesday check in would have been better. Too tired now, but I have a feeling I’ll be more inspired tomorrow.

    • No worries, Tia. Wednesdays are perfect days to turn the tide. I know it helps me get motivated. 🙂 He was pretty tired when he got home last night, but the worries in the house just seemed less because of how things are working out. It was an amazing relief.

      I need to do my Wednesday check in post! 😀

      Looking forward to seeing how your Sunday update goes.

      Keep Writing!

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