Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 13th, 2012|Daily archive page

Getting to Know Me?

In Uncategorized on February 13, 2012 at 11:23 pm

*taps microphone* Is this thing on? So the lovely Lady Gwen of Run, Gwen Run! Write, Gwen Write! posted an eleven question getting to know you session to kick off our online platform campaign. I usually avoid these like the plague, but in the spirit of awesome, I’m taking the plunge. *paper rustles quietly. single audience member clears throat*

1. What is your secret weapon of choice?

  • Real life: Sword Cane.
  • Sci Fi: Sentient Ship
  • Fantasy: Flesh eating unicorns
  • Urban Fantasy/Paranormal: My dry wit
  • Steampunk: My metal arm, complete with all the latest accessories (pistols, anyone?); the werewolf queen as my companion; and/or McQueen, rake at large and handy alchemist.

2. If you could sit down for coffee with any historical figure, who would it be?

  •  Sam Houston. As a Texas History buff, he is the one that most fascinates me.

3. Any “famous” figures in your ancestry? Who and what did they do?

  •  Yes. The notorious Willum Wheeler (name changed, of course, to prevent the US Marshalls from getting too close) moonshine runner from waaaay back. Wasn’t a nice man. But he was famous.

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

  •  Well, I’ve been almost everywhere. I would give anything to meet up with Lexxie Couper in Australia, or spend a holiday with Kim Knox and Lexxie Couper in Spain. Just because. 🙂

5. What was the #1 song the day you were born?

  •  La Freak by Chic. I guess that’s appropriate. 😉

6. What is your favorite genre to read and why?

  •  I’m a voracious reader. I guess you should ask what I don’t like to read…most biographies, technical manuals for things I have no interest in, or anything that’s going to make me cry at the end b/c someone dies. If I had to pick an absolute favorite genre…ROMANCE with all its subgenres. 🙂

7. Who is your favorite literary character and why?

  •  These questions always make me sigh. Grendel (from either Grendel or Beowulf). He knew what he wanted, was fiercely loyal, and gave Beowulf one helluva fight. If I’m not feeling particularly villainous, I would love to be Aeriel from Darkangel (of Meredith Ann Pierce’s Darkangel Trilogy). She was strong-willed, a brilliant storyteller, and unaware of her strength until it mattered most. Plus she went from a frightened girl to one kick-ass young woman!

8. Besides reading and writing, what is your favorite pastime or hobby?

  •  Crochet. What can I say? I’m a hooker at heart. 😀

9. If you could switch places with one person for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?

  •  I’m going to have to be boring and say…I really like being me, and being here with my family. So I really can’t think of anything. Truly.

10. What is the area you live in most famous for?

  •  The Alamo. LOL.

And last, but not least…

11. What are the top 5 programs you watch on television?

  • Doctor Who
  • Sanctuary
  • Supernatural
  • Haven
  • Primeval

That’s it, folks. Nothing too exciting! 🙂 I hope you enjoyed this session. 😀 Won’t be tagging anyone, as I think everyone’s pretty much been tagged now.

On the writing front:

A Familiar Kiss Rewrites Through Chapter One

No Dragon, No Problem