Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 3rd, 2012|Daily archive page

Primal Hunger is OUT

In Publishing News on February 3, 2012 at 10:22 pm

Hey all! I know it’s been a minute since I chatted up on twitter and facebook. The run up to Dallas and back was pretty exhausting. Over twelve hours in the car in less than 24 hours. Not fun.

Today is an awesome day!

Primal Hunger, my debut Ellora’s Cave novel is out (and a bargain at only $5.95)!

Azros del Mar hates the Sheon. Having suffered brutal abuse at their hands, he is left physically scarred and angry. An escape that nearly cost him his life results in a crash landing on a remote planet. There, surrounded by danger, he finds a woman who fires his blood, triggering a mating hunger so intense it sends him to the edge of sanity.

Kendra is a warrior in hiding. The last thing she needs is a hot-bodied, feral Valorian upsetting her mission…no matter how sexy or tempting the broad-shouldered tiger-mix may be. But when her body begins to show signs of feral heat, she realizes the one man who can soothe the hunger could easily destroy everything she’s worked for.

With war on the horizon, they must fight to stay alive. And together.

  – Buy Now

In the meantime I’m writing up a storm on some fairytale wickedness that is sure to make some of you blush.

Keep Writing!

Keep Reading!
