Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 1st, 2012|Daily archive page

Aha! Lightning DOES strike twice!

In #amwriting, Goals on February 1, 2012 at 1:41 am

Remember when I was sighing in contentment about finally being settled? I was so happy to be out of hotels and done with traveling.

Then lightning struck…again. The first time was when we had to move out of a hotel (with only 12 hour’s notice) because of an overbooking incident (several other families were in the same boat).

The second strike happened yesterday. My husband wakes me up to say (very cheerfully) “Our car is here, honey! We just have to drive 5+ hours to pick it up!”

Long story short…today is another road trip. In less than 5 hours we’ll be on the road in a rental car to drive from San Antonio to Dallas where we will pick up our car (hoping it’s all good from Alaska), turn in the rental, then get a hotel room for the night. We’ll return sometime Thursday evening.

So…once again, yours truly is packing up the writing goods and hauling it off to the ends of the Earth. I had just got settled (one day…I had one. single. day.), and now BAM! I’m happy to be getting the car. Really. I’m just not looking forward to another long trip this close to so many others. On the bright side…we’re packed!

Looks like I’ll be finding a nice obscure table in the first floor of the next hotel so I can snatch some writing time.

Okay, mini whine-fest over. 😉

On the writing front:

  • Destitute and Undead is now crawling at 6k. Too many distractions. I’ll kick it in the butt during today’s trip.
  • Spent a lot of time on promotion for Primal Hunger. The 3rd of February can’t come fast enough. WOOHOO!

That’s it for me these past couple of days. I’ll catch up on your blogs this weekend.

This is a BLOG HOP. Click HERE for other awesome Round of Words in 80 Days updates.

Keep Writing!
