Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 11th, 2012|Daily archive page

Campaign A-hoy!

In Challenges on February 11, 2012 at 6:24 pm

It’s really awesome to see genuine enthusiasm for helping others. Angela Knight and Morgan Hawke took a chance on me years ago, Lynn Viehl has become a mentor, and Kim Knox has faced the fire with me more than once. All these great authors have one thing in common…they didn’t do it alone. At some point they were helped by someone else.

When Ozlem Yikici told me about this amazing platform campaign ran by Rachael Harrie, my interest was snagged. What a fantastic idea! Find other people who write what you write, and chat with them. There are also some pretty cool challenges :D.

So now I’m supposed to tell you about me. I write erotica and erotic romance with a dip into the paranormal world for Changeling Press, Ellora’s Cave, and Liquid Silver Books. These titles are also available at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, and All Romance Ebooks. I consider paranormal to be “other” than normal. So for me that includes: werewolves, urban fantasy, science fiction, genetic manipulation, vampires in space, sexy dragons with a penchant for smart-mouthed princesses, you name it. 🙂 If it’s fun, I’m loving it. My work goes from very dark to cheeky humor.

I’m really looking forward to this season’s campaign.

Keep Writing!
