Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 19th, 2012|Daily archive page

Another V-Day down!

In Goals on February 19, 2012 at 7:02 pm

Two out of Four ain’t so bad…

This week was a tester week for me. I had four solid goals…rewrites for A Familiar Kiss, complete No Dragon, No Problem, Chapter Two for Enraptured, and Chapter One for Feral Hunger.

So how did I do?

  • I made it to page 45 of 111 on A Familiar Kiss. Not bad. Didn’t make my V-Day goal, but this one is being quite the bugbear.
  • No Dragon, No Problem completed. YES! I had a little mini dance. Edits for this puppy will start on Monday.
  • Enraptured and I are working through our problems today. 😀 Chapter two is an all action sequence, so I’ll be able to complete the chapter!
  • Chapter one for Feral Hunger completed. YES!
So what craziness conspired this week? LOL! V-Day week seems to consistently be self-doubt week of the year (four years running). I thought I’d made a huge mistake doing this full-time (I’m not wishy-washy, I promise! Just worried about family finances). So hubby goes out and gets a job just like *snap* that. First time in the history of ever for either one of us. Wow, right? So I could focus again, and then Kim Knox did this AMAZING post this week that just snapped me out of the fugue.

You guys suffered through a crazy Q n A for the Platform Campaign. Turns out I’m a happy hooker (crochet joke) with a sword cane obsession, and am the great great granddaughter of a notorious moonshiner who changed his name to protect his family. Oh…and La Freak by Chic was the most popular song the day I was born. Subtle. Very subtle (so much better than Rod Stewart’s Do Ya Think I’m Sexy which would have been on my due date).

I poked fun at writer superstition that makes us afraid to say when our writing days are good days.

So what am I looking forward to this week?
I like having four objectives a week. It’s another test week so I can make sure I’m doing what needs to be done. If I can’t meet four goals this week…well, I may have been a bit more ambitious than I want to admit. 😉
So specific writing goals:
  • Continue hacking away at A Familiar Kiss. Once I’m done with that, it’s set it up for submission, send it off, and begin edits on No Dragon, No Problem.
  • Finish Beauty’s Beast (formerly Thief)
  • Complete Enraptured Chapter Three
  • Complete Feral Hunger Chapter Two
That’s a little over 23k this week to accomplish. We’ll see how I do.
Monday is a holiday here in the states, so I’ll get done what I can. Tuesday the kids go back to school. Wednesday is the final load of furniture from Alaska (YAY!), and I have to meet with someone. Thursday and Friday are base stuff. Next Monday is my official last day in the service. 🙂 I’m not sure if we’re actually going to do anything, but I know I’ll be happy. 🙂

Goals for the week:

A Familiar Kiss Rewrites (Pages, not words)
Beauty’s Beast
Enraptured Chapter Two and Three
Feral Hunger/Primal Intent Chapter One and Two

Until we chat again, keep writing!


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