Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 5th, 2012|Daily archive page

Steady as she goes

In Challenges, Goals on February 5, 2012 at 1:11 am

Congratulations if you’ve made it this far in the Round of Words in 80 days challenge. We’re in month two of the marathon, and I have to tell you…this is the part where I start to lose a little steam. I’m not talking about the crazy move of January and all the hijinks that followed. This isn’t about writing full time or balancing work, family, and writing. This is about pacing yourself.

This is the perfect time to compare your output to your actual goals. Are you meeting them, exceeding them, barely hanging on, or not even in the ballpark close? If you’re exceeding or falling short on a consistent basis, maybe it’s time to reevaluate. Should you push yourself harder, or should you set more realistic expectations? That’s for you to decide. I’m just here to tell you what’s next on my writing journey.

Friday was a very special day for me. It was the release of my first sci fi romantica novel, Primal Hunger. It’s available for $5.95 at Ellora’s Cave and $6.00 on Amazon.com.

Warning, content is sizzling.

Azros del Mar hates the Sheon. Having suffered brutal abuse at their hands, he is left physically scarred and angry. An escape that nearly cost him his life results in a crash landing on a remote planet. There, surrounded by danger, he finds a woman who fires his blood, triggering a mating hunger so intense it sends him to the edge of sanity.

Kendra is a warrior in hiding. The last thing she needs is a hot-bodied, feral Valorian upsetting her mission…no matter how sexy or tempting the broad-shouldered tiger-mix may be. But when her body begins to show signs of feral heat, she realizes the one man who can soothe the hunger could easily destroy everything she’s worked for.

With war on the horizon, they must fight to stay alive. And together.

What else happened this week?

Travel. Travel. Travel. The whole house caught a head cold. I got a lot of writing and plotting done for the next few months of work. Scored another non-fiction writing gig. Downshifted from super excited about full-time writing (with sporadic output) to a nice steady pace I can rely on.

All this traveling is breaking me down. My husband bought me a folding chair and a portable desk so I could write wherever we ended up this past week. The car made it from Alaska in one piece. Our furniture still isn’t here so we’ve resorted to thin cots on the floor.

Saturday was a break for me. I played games, relaxed with the kids, wrote when I couldn’t help it (love those moments), and sketched my daily artist trading card. Looking back on every day is amazing. I can’t believe how much has happened since the 16th of January.

Anyway, no changes in goals for this week. Monday will be a no-go writing-wise as I’ll have to get the kids in school, and do all the other fun stuff that follows.

I received a wonderful blog award this past week, and will be sharing it with you on a scheduled post for Monday.

I hope everyone is doing well. For now, it’s time for me to turn in. I have sleep to catch up on.

Keep Writing!


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