Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 12th, 2012|Daily archive page


In #amwriting, Challenges, Goals on February 12, 2012 at 10:16 am

It’s another check-in day. We’ve been unpacking boxes, rearranging furniture, and all the crazy that comes with moving. My nighttime writing sessions have been a no-go since I’m usually too exhausted to stay awake. 😀 I finally had that day or two of rest I’ve needed since this adventure began back in January. Three days in a row of sleep for 12 hours at a time (which may or may not be due to having MY BED back -and/or- bone weary exhaustion). Yep, I think I’m finally rested. Last night was a seven hour sleep fest so I’m definitely back on track. 😀

So what did I accomplish this week?

  • Got the kids all their shots and back in school (YES!)
  • Won a contest for a $25 Amazon gift card. OMG how awesome! Thank you Evanne!
  • Unpacked most of my bedroom. I now have a desk and place to write YAY!
  • Worked through a plotting issue with A Familiar Kiss
  • Submitted Destitute and Undead to Entangled Publishing (the pitch win)
  • Became a Coffee Time Romance author (so cool!)
  • Thief‘s outline was completed.
  • Entered another pitch. Will find out next week if it’s selected by an editor for an online live pitch session
  • No Dragon, No Problem is at 6323 of 20k (started it on 3 Feb, I need to get in gear!).
  • Created my author page on Amazon.com
  • Joined up with the Platform Building Campaign
  • Updated my website, the books section on this one, and my work in progress page
  • Only produced 3k words this week (thank you #1k1hr on twitter!). Not good, but I’m giving myself a break and calling it a planning/spring cleaning week

You know, I think that’s enough for any writing week. No wonder I was so tired.

So what’s on the agenda for next week?

  • Complete A Familiar Kiss and get it to my editor by the end of V Day
  • Complete No Dragon, No Problem
  • Complete Chapter One of Feral Hunger/Primal Intent (the title gods are debating on this one)
  • Complete Chapter Two of Enraptured

What are the goals for the rest of the month?

  • Complete one chapter ea on two novels per week
  • Submit Chloe’s Kiss to the submission call
  • Finish and submit Thief and A Clockwork Conspiracy (this one’s tentative)

Guess I’d better get on the ball. 🙂 I’ll be running several #1k1hr throughout the day, every day, from my twitter account. You’re welcome to follow along. I use Tweetdeck so I can create a #1k1hr column. This shows me any time another group is running.

Goals for the week:

A Familiar Kiss Rewrites
No Dragon, No Problem
Enraptured Chapter Two
Feral Hunger/Primal Intent Chapter One

That’s it for me!

Keep Writing!


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