Dawn Montgomery

Archive for February 26th, 2012|Daily archive page

Nothing to See Here

In Challenges, Goals on February 26, 2012 at 2:40 pm

Well. I’ve learned a few things this week.

  1. I cannot focus when I have multiple projects going on. Two weeks in a row was a dismal failure.
  2. Writing two novels at the same time is like playing heavy metal and club music at once. Completely out of sync and annoying as hell. Besides, I don’t want them to sound the same. They’re completely different story lines, and I caught myself reusing phrases in both. Ugh.
  3. The weekends are no longer my catch up days. Since SuperChef started his job, it’s now MY job to keep the kids occupied while he tries to get his recipe blog updated and get new recipes out. When I had the EDJ, he kept them occupied so I could write when I could. It’s only fair. 🙂

So what now? I had about 1500 words or so on Friday. That was awesome. Nothing to write home about yesterday or today (so far). All I can do is write off this week as a learning experience, and continue pounding out the words.

To make up for the past two weeks’ experiment, I’ve decided I’m going to spend this week completely focused on No Dragon, No Problem. I’ll get it edited and out. Then move on to one of my works in progress. That’s it for me, guys. I hope your week was far more productive!

Keep Writing!


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